Low Irrigation Landscape Proposals


Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort is planning a full renovation of much of its gardens due to the water scarcity along the resort’s front line. This Project is a justification of the design parameters that are used. The old resources and the new adapted ones have to be linked into a modern proposal, which main targets are the environmental restoration, originality, simplicity and functionality for future cost maintenance.

The project area has a wide scope of challenges to find solutions because of the attachment felt to the classic grassland. Although the area has one Resort that surrounds a major golf course. The potential cost of saving the grasslands is devastating expensive, experience shows how for a community reducing maintenance with harder materials even if they seem less attractive in the beginning will generate a better impact in a long term effect.

Nevertheless, the naturalisation of this environment wishes to reintegrate the area into the housing areas and make it attractive for the public. Considering the amount of square metres to deal with, and the fact that it will have be double intervened; demolition and rebuild, execution performance have to be carefully considered. Project will defend how is substantially better to demolish some of the grasslands and re-adapt the garden spaces into a more arid landscape matching the south-east Spain clime conditions.