Please find below the links to download the Minutes and documents related to the Annual General Meeting of the General Community of Hacienda Riquelme held on the 24.01.2024, and for the General Assembly of the Urban Entity of Hacienda Riquelme held on the 26.01.2024.

The HRGR Board and the Self Administration team have analysed every line in detail in order to provide realistic budgets for the year ahead. Wherever possible savings have been made in order to offset some of the one off project costs included in the 2024 budget. For our core services such as gardening, street cleaning, pool maintenance and security the budgets are in line with the current Contracts that we have with the respective service providers.

The financial reports contain information that we are sure will be of interest to you and explain in more detail the basis upon which each budget line has been calculated.

As you can see the HRGR General Community budget has increased by 12.59% in 2024 compared to the 2023 budget. In addition to the CPI increase (3.10%) which affects many of our core services, there are some specific budget lines that have a significant impact. They are:

– Irrigation water: due to the building of the new pumping station it is expected to be able to store all the water received from the desalination plant. The increase in the cost from 1,20€ to 1,35€ per cubic meter is also an important factor.

– Telephone & Internet: due to the increase of the apartments connected as the community pays based on the connections to the fibre optic.

– Maintenance and repair projects in 2024: The list of the items and budgets considered is included in the memorandum of the financial report.

– New pumping station to improve the irrigation of our green areas.

Regarding the EUCC budget for 2024, and subject to the necessary permissions from Murcia City Council, it is planned to use the money available in the current account to carry out projects for which provision has been made in previous years.

Official Minutes General Assembly EUCC 26.01.2024

English version – Minutes General Assembly EUCC 26.01.2024

Financial report related to items 2 & 3 of the agenda

Memorandum of the Financial report EUCC

EUCC Presentation related to item 1 of the agenda

Official Minutes AGM GC HRGR 24.01.2024

English version – Minutes AGM GC HRGR 24.01.2024

Financial report related to items 1 & 2 of the agenda

Memorandum of the Financial report GC HRGR


Categories: 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, Annual General Meetings / Junta General Anual, EUCC AGM Minutes / EUCC Actas de la AGM, GC AGM Minutes / GC Actas de la AGM