Minutes Committee Meetings General Community Hacienda Riquelme

Dear Owners of Hacienda Riquelme, Please find attached the Minutes of the Committee Meetings listed below: Minutes of the Committe Meeting 11.12.2012 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the General Community of Hacienda Riquelme 19.01.2013 Minutes of the EGM of the General Community of Hacienda Riquelme 22.02.2013 With regards to these 3 documents, we […]

92 – Acta de la Asamblea General de la EUCC de Hacienda Riquelme 22.03.2022

Estimados propietarios, A continuación encontrarán el enlace al Acta de la Asamblea General de la EUCC celebrada el pasado 22.03.2022 con el anexo que incluye el sentido de la votación. También pueden descargar la información financiera (liquidación del presupuesto 2021 y presupuesto 2022) aprobada en la asamblea, y la explicación del presupuesto. Se incluye el […]

92 – Minutes of the General Assembly of Hacienda Riquelme 22.03.2022

Dear Owners, Please find below the link to the Minutes of the General Assembly of the EUCC held last 22.03.2022 with the annex including the sense of the vote. You can also download the Financial information (2021 budget reconciliation & 2022 budget) approved at the meeting, and the Budget explanation. The official Minutes printed in […]

Minutes Annual General Meeting General Community 23.01.2019

Dear Owners of Hacienda Riquelme, With regards to the Annual General Meeting held last 23rd January 2019, please find below the link to the Minutes of the Meeting and other documents related to different points of the meeting. Please note that you can also find these documents on the secure area of the website of the Community. […]

Minutes Annual General Meeting General Community 29.01.2020

Dear Owners of Hacienda Riquelme, With regards to the Annual General Meeting held last 29th January 2020, please find below the link to the Minutes of the Meeting and other documents related to different points of the meeting. Minutes of the AGM 29.01.2020 Financial Report G. Community HRGR 2019-2020 Budget Explanation G Community Hacienda Riquelme AGM 29.01.2020 Expenditure […]

AGM General Assembly EUCC / Actas AGM Asamblea General EUCC

The AGM did not take place in 2020 due to the COVID epidemic and the restrictions on holding meetings. La Junta General de Accionistas no se celebró en 2020 debido a la epidemia de COVID y a las restricciones impuestas a la celebración de reuniones.