Communication 86 – Use of Barbecues



Dear owners and guests,

With the arrival of the good weather, many owners and tenants will be tempted to have a barbecue in their garden or on their terrace where they may take advantage of the warm evenings to invite friends over or simply have a barbecue with the family.

For this reason it is important to remember the existing rules regarding the use of barbecues at Hacienda Riquelme.

The main thing is always to respect the neighbours and not to make a nice barbecue an unpleasant situation for the other people living in or around the building.

As per the Community Guidelines regarding the use of barbecues the following is stated:  

Wood burning barbecues and smokers are not allowed. 

Gas and electric barbecues are permitted.

The main reason for banning these materials and types of barbecues is to avoid the smoke they produce. It has been found that another frequently used material is charcoal, which also produces a lot of smoke and disturbs nearby neighbours. Neighbours are therefore strongly advised to avoid using charcoal for barbecues.

In summary: It is not allowed the use of wood burning barbecues. It is not allowed the use of smokers.  It is recommended to avoid the use of charcoal. 
Please avoid barbecuing if it is windy.
Please be considerated and respectful and think of your neighbours before barbecuing.

Thank you. 
Kind regards, May we remind you that there is an application to report incidents created exclusively for Hacienda Riquelme owners. You can download it from the following link In the event you need any help for the installation, please contact bb3bd7dc-a643-4868-9110-4161df6c806f.jpg
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