Communication 59 – Result of the EGM’s Held 11/05/23

Please, do not reply to this e-mail 09a27022-f8c2-48f2-a36d-adab7f054e16.png COMMUNICATION 59 RESULT OF THE EGMs HELD ON THE 11.05.2023
Dear owners, 

Following the AGMs of the Sub-communities held throughout March, April & May of this year, last Thursday 11th May 2023, the EGMs to appoint the Phase Presidents of Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5B, 6 and 7, the Resort President and the Secretary and Administrator of the General Community were held.
Please find below the result of the voting. The EGM for Phase 5A took place on 13.04.2023, at which Ron Locke was successful.
Due to it’s close proximity to the EGM’s on the 11th May is why it is not shown on the list above. b06357b6-4459-28e0-ac6b-71cbdd44478c.png
Related to the positions of Secretary and Administrator, may we inform you that Pepa Pérez, the Resort Manager, has been appointed unanimously for both roles by the Board members. 

On the following day Friday 12th May 2023, the resignations were received for Phase 5A and 5B.

These PP’s will remain in position until an EGM is called to vote on their replacement.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the BPs that joined the EGM in person, in zoom meetings and by proxy. 
Thank you.
Kind regards,
May we remind you that there is an application to report incidents created exclusively for Hacienda Riquelme owners. This will speed up the reporting and resolution of incidents. For more information please bb3bd7dc-a643-4868-9110-4161df6c806f.jpg
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