Communication 5 – 2023 Surveys Gardening (STV)

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Dear Owners,  

May we inform you that the  annual surveys related to all the services developed by the different providers in HR will take place during the month of January 2024.   Similar to the previous year, we will be issuing all the surveys at the same time with one communication per survey. This process has shown an increase in response rates compared to previous years and is beneficial for our review.
This approach allows for a meaningful review with our suppliers and enables owners to evaluate the service provided between January and December 2023, covering a full year. Owners will have a maximum of three weeks to complete the surveys.   Please find below the link to the annual survey for the gardening service (STV). Click here to do the gardening survey The deadline to complete the survey is on Wednesday 24 January 2024. It is our aim to provide the results to Owners during February 2024   We look forward to your help and contribution to the surveys, your completion is important and valuable to us.    
Thank you,
Kind regards, bb3bd7dc-a643-4868-9110-4161df6c806f.jpg