Communication 26 – Change of Sand in Pool Filters

Dear owners,

The main purpose of this communication is to inform you about the works that will be carried out in the 19 pools of HRGR in the next 2 months.
It is about the replacement of the silica sand in the filtering system of the pumping water of each pool.
Those pools that have a small splash pool for children also have a pumping system with silica sand filters that is independent of the large pool next to it.
NO pool will be closed during the works.
The company in charge of the works, Atlantir, will start to distribute the bags of new silica sand to the different pools on Monday 19.02.2024. Approximately 96,000 kilos of sand will be used for all pools.
A de-clogging bucket will be used to remove the old sand from the filters.
Parts called “crepinas “* will have to be replaced before the new sand is put in.
*The function of the “crepinas” is to catch the water from the bottom of the filter once it has been filtered. During filter backwashing, they are responsible for lifting the filter load and evacuating the residues retained in the filter.
This work is essential to improve the quality of the water, reduce the filtering hours of the pumps and therefore save on electricity consumption.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Kind regards,