Communication 183 – Reminder Year End Surveys Pools

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Dear Owners, 

Further to communication 172 sent on 29.11.2023, we would like to thank all the owners who have taken the time to complete them already.
For those owners who have not had the opportunity yet to complete the surveys sent, may we remind that the dead line to complete it has been extendeed to end of next week 29.12.2023. 
We would really appreciate it if you could please take a few minutes to fill in the surveys. 
Your input and feedback on these surveys is essential for the Board, your main representatives in the HRGR General Community.    POOL MONITORING SWIMMING POOL OPENING HOURS We look forward to your help and contribution to the surveys, your completion is important and valuable to us.  
The surveys are sent in general communications to all owners from
Thank you,
Kind regards, bb3bd7dc-a643-4868-9110-4161df6c806f.jpg

Our office will remain closed from Monday 25th December 2023 until Monday 1st January 2024 both inclusive for the Christmas holidays.  We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please, note that it is not permitted to share any of the contents of this email in any social media platforms. Legal actions will be considered if any this information is shared.  This message and its contents may contain confidential information and its non-authorised use is prohibited by law. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please, advise this fact using the same, or other mode, and delete this message and its contents from your system without copying, forwarding or revealing the contents of the message to any other person. In addition, we inform you that the distribution, copy or use of this message and its attached documents with any purpose are prohibited by law. In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can exercise right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, portability and object, sending an e-mail to: or written communication to the following address: Ctra. Avileses-sucina, Km. 6., 30590 – Sucina (Murcia)