Dear Owners of Hacienda Riquelme,
In the links below you will find two documents, the Questions and Answers related to our move to Self-Administration (they are not in any particular order; they are in the order that the person who put the communication together received them), and the Non-financial Business Case.
Self-Admin Questions & Answers
For the financial part of the business case we have carried out a full cost analysis and have produced a detailed forecast and cost savings spreadsheet. We cannot publish it at the moment as we need some more information before it is complete, although I can confirm that the savings are in line with what we previously told you. It has been checked by our Board co-opted accountant and our lawyers Imont for validity.
For anybody who wants to ask any further questions, I will be setting up Zoom meetings with myself and Pepa Perez, once Pepa is officially working for us. You can ask the questions directly to us and we will answer them as best we can.
We will try and hold the meetings with a limited number of owners at a time depending on how many of you want to take up this opportunity. We will send a further communication out soon with dates and times that the meetings will take place.
Thank you