Dear Owner of Hacienda Riquelme,

You may have received a proposal from Resortalia telling you how good they are, and have been, over the years. They may also have provided you with a cost for their administration services for your building. They have promised many things, all of which they have done for the Board over the years, but I do not see why they would suddenly do this any better.

They have also been suggesting each building opens a separate Bank account, which has no sense at all. Our accountant adviser, Paul Sawyer, who is also a BP has said he isn’t going to do it for his building. The way it has been done for the 13 years Resortalia have been our Administrators was decided by them as the best way to do it. It was certainly the easiest way for them to do it. Now they are saying it should be done differently, which will mean a significant increase in our workload for no benefit. I wonder why that is.

Whatever amount they are offering, which I believe is up to €1,893.84, depending on the number of apartments in the building. This amount will be added to your buildings administration fees as we are already going to carry out all the services included in their proposal within the new General Community budget.

You have a choice, which is effectively this; pay up to €1893.84, or pay nothing extra and use our inhouse team to do the same work. Why would you pay again for the same service you will get with Self Admin? It just doesn’t make sense.

Please think carefully and sensibly when completing your proxy form before 23rd December 2020.

Thank you