Dear Owners,

Please find below the links to download the following documents:

  • Minutes of the EGM of the GC of HRGR held last 11.9.24.
  • *Financial report with the actual expenses of the GC as of 31.08.2024 compared with the GC Budget approved at the AGM in January 2024. This document also includes the forecast of expeses as of 31.12.2024. Related to item 12 of the Minutes.

Important *: Please note that the expenditure forecast as at 31.12.2024 is only a forecast and as such may change during the following months  until the end of the year. It will therefore continue to be reviewed and updated at every General Meeting of the GC of HRGR.

Minutes EGM GC HRGR 11.09.2024

Financial report of the GC – Item 12 of the minutes

Thank you.

Categories: 2024, 2024